Have you heard of this new store in town that is trending as well in the world of floats? Avocado float, mango float, mango ube float and the like...

 Master Potee is the name of their store, and located at Roxas Night Market Davao City of course.

They are open every night starting at 6pm.

I happen to buy their avocado float. The prices are just right because the amount of the ingredients that they put to every cup is very generous. Small is Php 89.00, medium is Php 99.00 and for large is Php 129.00.

The verdict for this is, not so sweet, but definitely creamy and I could say that I will repeatedly buy this again and again because it is really delicious.

But if you put this on the refrigerator and decided to drink it next day, do not do that. This is easily spoiled, so consume it immediately.