My son suffers from asthma all the time, even though he was already on a strict diet. I have tried so many supplements already, M2 malunggay tea drink is for cough and colds really but it can’t cure asthma. I have researched on the internet that omega 3 fatty acids are great for anti-inflammatory since asthma is anti-inflammatory why can’t I try it to my son. 

I have tried already kids dha of healthy options brand since it has omega 3 fatty acids too, but still asthma is still there. So I tried salmon oil from GNC, at that moment on the asthma subsides. It works like wonders. 

This is not paid advertisement or whatsoever, I just want to share for other moms out there who has a kid who suffers from asthma. Try it and you got nothing to loose, it is safe by the way. My son takes it everyday already. Although it is expensive though, it is 180 capsules so it supplies you for 6 months still it is a good saving. Register for membership so that it will give you 20% off from the original price.